Wednesday 19 November 2014

unit 78 specifications of graphics in computer games

Graphic specification:

A graphic specification is the guidelines given to creating your sprites and texture design ideas  to make sure that they meet brief. They will have to be relevant and suitable for the target audience, fitting to the market research with reference to the artistic style.

The specification will give precise instructions on subjects like:

client needs-


Thumbnail sketching-

Unit 78 what are digital graphics in computer games

There are two categories of graphics, in game and print media. These graphics are displayed using pixels that reference the image and use small LEDs to match these points. The bit depth of the graphic describes how many colours it uses, the larger the bit depth the better the quality of the graphic but it also increases the file size ( this can be compressed down but some quality will be lost ).
In game graphics:
Characters models -  2D sprites or 3D models made in one of the many visual styles ( photo-realistic, abstract, exaggerated, cel-shaded, pixel art, ) .
Interface - Things like the start menu and heads up display, showing you vital information like your health and a map. although some try to remove this to make the game more real to life and immersing.
Environment - Textures that build the levels that the player goes through, these are also one of the visual styles. The levels can be linier, taking the player through a set story, or sandbox letting them design their own.
Print media:
Manual - The instruction guide that comes with the video game and tells you the control system, multiplayer functionality, etc. Usually have the same cover art as the box.
Box art - The main print as it has to attract customers and sell the basic theme of the game.
Posters - Again has to be appealing and attractive to give the game recognition. Usually has ratings and quotes from reviews.
Concept art -  sketches and drawings to illustrate the theme and feel of the game. These are often sold separately from the game or sold with more premium or exclusive copies, maybe even as unlockable content in the game.

Monday 17 November 2014

Level 3 Unit 78 Digital Graphics for Computer Games

Level 3
Extended Diploma in Games Design

Unit 78 Digital Graphics for Computer Games


Handed out on the 5th November 2014



Unit 78 - Exercises


1.       Complete and upload to blogger ANY artwork which you have created for a computer game(s).


 (Refer back to Unit 78 Class ppt on Moodle and any classnotes)


2.       Legal & Ethical Considerations


Research and answer the following questions.

What is copyright law?

Copyright is a legal right created by the law that allows the creator of an original piece of work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time. So it stops anyone copying or reproducing there work.

What is Libel?

A libel is something that has been put in newspapers, magazines or any print media or and broad cast media such as TV or radio, that is untrue.


How are female characters represented in Games?


Sex symbols, female sprites having exaggerated and unrealistic figures and features such as extremely large breasts. Females in most games are only used as love interests or “eye candy” and not as a main protagonist with little back story/ plot depth. Although in some games (like tekken) even though they are dressed in a minimalistic style they are still strong characters and are equally matched with the male characters. More recently, females in games are becoming more realistic and have a character with character emotion and opinion. For example, tomb raider have been re-imagining the sprite and character of Lara croft, changing her figure, cup size and backstory into a more relatable and socially acceptable one.







Monday 10 November 2014

unit 78 digital graphics in computergames exercise 1

Knight maze game concept art and sprites
knight sprite
Concept art
wall sprite
castle back ground
math maze game sprites
brain box and egg head
captain calculation

Tex book of boring



speedy math-bot


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Procedure exercise




Available finance & Budget-

As this is part of a college course all software and hard ware will be provided free



Again, because this is a college assignment I will not be going off site to locations so I will be using images on the internet for inspiration and reference.

I will not need any financial contribution as all of the equipment is free



As this is my assignment, I will be the only one working on it but I may get friends to contribute music clips if they play an instrument.



·         PC with required specifications on hard ware

·         Game maker

·         Adobe complete pack

·         Audacity

·         Audio clips


A documentation of the requirements and activities/tasks that need to be completed with reference to time required and restraints like deadlines.



Health and safety, Risk assessment-

I will assess risks involved in the production of my game, as it will be developed by me in college there are not that many.


Legal aspects-

When advertising, I would consider the Advertising Standards Authority and the Pan European Game Information