Tuesday 16 September 2014


Games in society

Excessive play time:
Video games often demand a lot of time and attention of a persons day, with main story lines that can last up to 80 hours to complete, downloadable extensions onto the game and endless multilayer playability. this can cut into other aspects of someone's life and have serious negative affects, skipping meals, sleep, education etc.

This can lead to sleeping deprivation, witch can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain. It also affects the brain and cognitive function. This constant tiredness can lead to a dependants on energy drinks to stay alert and on point when playing; But these drinks have their side effects like:palpitations, tremor / shaking, agitation / restlessness, gastrointestinal upset, chest pain, dizziness, paraesthesia (tingling or numbing of the skin), Insomnia, difficulty breathing and  headaches. Plus, because of the high levels of caffeine in energy drinks, they can lead to Increased blood pressure and heart palpitations with painful withdraw symptoms.

Gaming alone comes with its health risks, excessive time spent staring at a TV or monitor can lead to headaches, blurred vision and even near-sightedness if frequent breaks aren't taken to relax your eyes. Furthermore, the lack of exercise and constantly sitting in one place for hours on end causes obesity and cholesterol build up in the blood witch can lead to clotting."Lack of exercise as 'deadly' as smoking" - Daily mail.

Social isolation:
With all this time spent on gaming instead of going out and socialising, people can become "shut in" losing contact with the outside world. instead of talking to people, meeting new people and sharing real experiences, they become dependant on the virtual socialisation of AI and players online.

 However with multilayer functions, players can interact, communicate and get to know people they otherwise never would have had the chance to ( e.g. people from different areas of the world).Furthermore, in team based games, working and communication with others to achieve a common goal can develop team skills and communication.

On the other hand, there are risks such as cyber bulling and abuse of player because of differences such as skill level, accents and ethnic backgrounds and this would be encouraged by the fact people can hide behind usernames. This "false identity" could also cause risk of players pretending to be someone the're not to gain trust or friendship of another online player and maybe even taking it further than virtual role playing and something much more dangerous (e.g. arranging to meet people under false pretences).

A story on Oil millionaire's son , a 14 year old that was groomed through a video game-
"The teenage son of a millionaire was stabbed to death by a ‘predator’ he met online who groomed him through video games" "Breck Bednar, 14, said he was going to a sleepover at a friend’s house on Sunday night.But secretly the teenager – who was said to be addicted to online computer games – travelled by train to the flat of an 18-year-old stranger who it is believed he had played with over the internet.
Hours later, the church-going youngster was found dead by police at a flat in Grays, Essex – 30 miles away from the family home in Caterham, Surrey – after being knifed in the neck."
-Mail Online.


There are many prices to pay for gaming, one being economical. Before you even buy a video game, you have to buy something to play it on, weather that be games console or PC and these alone can get quite pricey. For a standard console (PS3, X Box 360, wii) it costs around 100-150£, for a "next gen" console (PS4 X Box one wii u) it costs around 200-500£ and for a PC capable of running the latest games in a playable standard , around 400-1000£. This is a lot of money and we haven't even covered the cost of the actual games yet at about 20-50£. To get started playing games , you could easily rack up a price tag into the thousands, some families not being able to afford this making gaming more exclusive to the "better off" portion of the world.
 Although, gaming is a huge up and coming market growing massively every year.
"The worldwide the game industry in 2007 was valued at $44.9 billion. This number was expected to grow 9.1% annually to $48.9 in 2011 and $68 billion in 2012, making it the fastest-growing component of the international media sector. In 2004, the worldwide industry generated more than $25.4 billion."http://vgsales.wikia.com/
Gaming is making new job peritonitises and income to countries world wide and is a constantly evolving market meaning people will have to keep up with the new technologies and consoles to play the latest addition of there favourite game. Another way that games can generate livelihoods for people is E-sports, competitive game play/tournaments for cash prises and sponsors.

Also, video games can cost time and even relationships as a price, massively cutting into your home life and work life and causing you to grow distant from those around you. Divorce online, a website dedicated to resolving unhappy marriages, claims that 15 percent of the divorces it has handled can be attributed to spouses that are addicted to online games such as world of Warcraft and Call of Duty.

The release also offers comments from one disgruntled 21-year-old wife from London named Jessica Ellis, 24, who married husband Michael in 2008.

"He was addicted to World of Warcraft but played other games now and then," said Jessica. "When it became serious he was playing up to eight hours a day and I threatened to leave. He then stopped playing World of Warcraft for a while and started playing Call of Duty instead but the amount he was playing just gradually increased until I could not take it anymore. It got so bad that he even organised to play on the day of our second wedding anniversary as we had decided to go out at the weekend instead. I was constantly trying to get him to cut back but he didn't think he had a problem or was doing anything wrong until I told him I wanted to leave but by that time it was too late.”- http://www.gamepolitics.com/

Separation from reality:
Video games create another reality that players can escape to, forgetting the troubles of the real world and living a virtual life that is usually a lot more interesting and exciting than their own. However, having such in depth and immerseive stories or from the sheer amount of time spent playing them, players can begin to lose their grip on the real world and confuse or mix it with the games virtual reality. This separation from reality can not only be dangerous for the players mental state but also put those around them in danger, especially games that feature extreme levels of violence and disturbing scenes.
An example of where separation from reality has caused or put people in harms way:
"Warren Leblanc, 17, repeatedly stabbed 14-year-old Stefan Pakeerah after luring him to a Leicester park". The mother stated," her son's killer had mimicked a game called Manhunt, developed by Edinburgh-based Rockstar North, in which the players score points for violent killings"-BBC News England

With games becoming more and more violent and containing themes of crime and scenes of a disturbing nature this not only desensitises society to violence and crime in general but can also encourage and influence violent/illegal acts, adding to the danger of separation from reality.

A report about an incident outside of ASDA just after the release of GTA 5 ( a games based around the criminal activity in america) where a 23 year old man was killed.-"A 23-year-old gamer who queued up for over an hour to retrieve his copy of the game, is stabbed outside of ASDA in London After making his purchase, the man departed the store and made his way back home. Within just shy of an hour and a half of the game’s release, a gang ambushed the young man; many of his possessions were stolen, including his watch, a cell phone and the copy of GTA V he had just purchased, but not before being brutally beaten with a brick and then stabbed."- DailyMail.co.uk

However, video game content is age rated based on its levels of violence, strong/offensive language, use of pornographic imagery or nudity and sexual references.This is a system put in place to warn players of what kind of game they are getting into to protect and younger members of society as you cannot buy rated games without ID. Also, in some games where there are especially disturbing/offensive scenes, they have the option to be "skipped". The problem with these systems is that they can be quite easily ignored by parents that buy their children games. Plus, with online stores you can bypass the ID requirement and all you need is a debit card. Furthermore, society these day is so desensitised to crime, violence and sex that it has almost become the norm.

Video games can demand a lot of time and attention, this could take time and attention from the players education. e.g staying up all night playing through a game, not only taking time away from study and homework but also mean that the person is tired and not in the best mental/physical state to take in information at school. Also, players could skip whole days of school or study to play on video games.
However, some types of games are designed to be educational or "brain training". These games are ones used in classes to teach areas of maths, English, science etc. usually through a question/answer format with either a score or reward system to make learning in the classroom more fun. websites like http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/games/ a BBC website with games to teach GCSE standard subjects.
Also, there are games advertised to the public that are educational, these are usually a lot more developed games with more functionality, depth and story than the ones used in schools. Often referred to as "brain training" games are available for all ages and vary on the difficulty of the puzzles. they are often on hand held and portable devices for people to keep there brain ticking when traveling or killing time.

Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?e.g. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training : how old is your brain,  A hit on Nintendo DS, it encouraged millions of users to keep their minds sharp with simple, daily exercises.
There are more than a dozen different numerical and verbal exercises designed to be played for a few minutes each day. You can track your training and test your progress by checking your Brain Age score.

Hand-eye coordination:

hand eye coordination is the ability to do tasks involving your hands and eyes to work together. This motor skill is greatly benefited by playing video games as you control things like moment with your hands on controllers of mouse/keyboard according to things shown on screen in real time. environments in game change very quickly and requires the player to react faster than usual, giving them above average hand eye coordination ans speed. video games not only enhance you hand eye coordination but also your ability to notice changes in your environment as this is another large part of gaming." A video gamer driving down the street is more likely to pick out a child running after a ball than a non gamer" - Professor Daphne Bavelier.

Thinking and strategy skills:

games usually require problem solving and/or strategy and planing to reach objectives. whether this is overcoming an obstacle in an adventure role playing game or team cooperation and strategy in an online shooter, all require aspects of thinking and strategy. Real time strategy games are heavily focused on this (hence the name). This genera of game but opponents up against each other, building facilities and units to siege and destroy the opponents structures and units. Players must be amazingly efficient with time and resources to build their empires and armies. Plus, when singeing they would have to think in a strategic mind set, almost militaristic and adapt according to the oppositions moves.
In some cases video games ans simulator are used to test and train members of the armed forces to enhance and check up on their problem solving and strategic thinking without using massive amounts of time on practical training.

Future impact:

The way games are adapting and advancing with the way the public perceive and use them , that not only will they continue to grow and shape the way of entertainment but also effect and change the way children are taught, methods for treating/helping people with motor and hand eye coordination problems and practice new methods of strategy and problem solving in the real world changing and challenging the way we think and live in the world around us.

Jane McGonigal is a games designer with a similar view on how video games can drastically improve the quality of life through video games. Here is a speech she did on her ideas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE1DuBesGYM

Psychological factors


Games have sound effects and sound tracks. Sound effects are sounds of things in the environment around the player (e.g. gun fire in the distance to the left, foot steps behind you in the darkness). These are used to give the player an idea of his surroundings but also add depth to the environment and distance. Also these can be used to scare or get the imagination of the player going e.g. hearing something in the dark/behind you/on the other side of a wall.
A sound track is the background music through out the game. This music changes depending on the point in the game, if the player is doing something exiting and action packed, the tempo of the music and pitch would go up to invoke an emotional response from the player; in this case, his hear rate would increase and so would the thrill/adrenaline of the fight scene.
The combination of these makes for a depth and immersion of the player in the games reality and makes them think, feel and react as if they were there.

High score listings:

Some games give score points as a reward for completing parts of the game in a certain time or by completing certain objectives. These scores are then saved and listed, making you want to better yourself and your score. Also, some games have a score list from all over the world, not only making you want to beat you own record but everyone else's too.

Competitive games:

Competitiveness in games can be score based though listings or co-op scores though the campaign but also online with team based games etc. Today, this competition between players isn't just for bragging rights, but for fame and fortune too. Hole tournaments set up for the purpose of e-sports, organized video game competitions (especially between professionals). The most common video game genres are real-time strategy, fighting, first-person shooter, and multiplayer online battle arena. Player vs player and team vs team for reasonably large sums of prize money, played in front of a crowd of fans, allowing people to make a living form competitive game play.

One of the main organisations for e-sports is Major League Gaming.

peer pressure:

as more and more people are playing video games, the rate that new players start is going to increase too because of peer pressure ans social norm. If all of someones friends are playing a game and they ask that person to get that game and join them, chances are that they will. As time goes on, teenagers playing video games is becoming more and more a part of "teenage life" and is just another stereo type of teenagers that more often than not, is true. Games are becoming a bigger part of everyone's day to day life and that is only going to increase.


People play games because of the entertainment the games provide, the fun they have and the sense of accomplishment they get form completing something or an objective. Players strive to complete there next task or problem to continue to receive this feeling and can even become addicted to fun. This causes them to play excessively and fixate on the gaming and getting to the next does of fun and accomplishment. Games make it gradually harder for players to get there fix by increasing level length and difficulty, this means that players don't become desensitized to the feeling
 or bored and will happily keep playing. 


Leveling up has the same affect, players want to get to the next level, they want to better them selfless and their character or abilities to get that "high". Again, as you progress thought a game, leveling becomes harder and takes more XP meaning you don't get bored and want to get that next level fix.

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